The Honorable Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, 5th Congressional District, will be our banquet speaker. He has worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality.
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest Civil Rights organization. It has improved the social, economic, and political conditions for African Americans and many other minorities more than any other organization in the history of America. In 1939, the MAR-SALINE BRANCH received its charter. The branch has made a positive impact on the quality of life for citizens in Saline County and surrounding counties.
As we continue to make plans for this prestigious event, we sincerely hope you will respond favorably to our request no later than June 15 2010, by completing the Ticket Order form below. Direct questions to Clyde Williams, President@NAACPMarshallMo.org. or Virginia Huston, virginiahuston@att.net
Individual Ticket - 30.00 ______
Table for 8 - $250.00 ______
NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet & Awards Ticket Form
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
City: _______________ St: ___ Zip: _____ Phone: ___-____-_____
Email: __________________________________________________
Amount of Check $______.______
Authorized Signature: ______________________________________ The Mar-Saline NAACP is a 501 C (4) entity. Contributions are partially tax deductible.
Please make checks payable to:
Mar-Saline NAACP
P. O. Box 435
Marshall, MO 65340
Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II is currently serving his third term representing the Fifth District of Missouri in the House of Representatives and sits on the exclusive Financial Services Committee, Committee of Homeland Security, and the Select Committee on Global Warming. Congressman Cleaver also serves as a Regional Whip of the Democratic Caucus and First Vice-Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Having grown up in public housing, Congressman Cleaver has dedicated his career in public service to economic development and social concerns.
Born on the kitchen counter in his grandmother’s kitchen in Waxahachie, Texas, Emanuel Cleaver spent his first six years in a shack, his adolescence in public housing, and his late teen years in his family’s paid for home. He knows first-hand the value of loving and disciplinary parents.
Graduating high school in Wichita Falls, Texas, Congressman Cleaver went on to attend Prairie View A & M University, earning a B.S. in Sociology. He continued his education in Kansas City, Missouri where he obtained a Masters in Divinity from St. Paul’s School of Theology. Cleaver is an ordained Methodist Minister and still serves as Senior Pastor at St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City. When he was appointed to serve this central city church in 1974, the membership totaled 41. Today, the St. James congregation is nearly 3000.
Emanuel Cleaver was first elected to public office in 1979 as a City Councilman in Kansas City. During his 12 year tenure, he served as Mayor Pro Tem and was an active Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee.
His experience on the City Council paved the way to a two-term stint as mayor of Kansas City, where he made history as the first African American elected to that office. As Mayor, Cleaver worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for the City’s residents. The 18th and Vine Jazz District, the rehabilitation of the historic Union Station, the construction of the Bruce R. Watkins roadway, the flood control and beautification of the Brush Creek, and the construction of four community centers. He championed programs and initiatives designed to create jobs and stimulate economic development. The major corporations attracted to the Kansas City area under his leadership include, Harley Davidson, CitiCorp, Gateway 2000, and TransAmerica. Cleaver’s exemplary leadership earned him a two-term position as President of the National Conference of Black Mayors. He was also an active member of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
He is regarded as one of the City’s greatest leaders and is known for his ability to bring different groups together to attain constructive solutions for common problems.
After his tenure as Mayor, the city honored Congressman Cleaver by designating one of its major thoroughfares “Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard.”
The Congressman and his wife Dianne have been married for over thirty years, where they have made Kansas City their home. They have four grown children and three grandchildren.